Employer Announcement Process

Departments/units wishing to employ students must register available vacancies with CASTO by following the below procedures:

  1. Making sure there are sufficient funds in the department’s/unit’s budget to cover the position to be announced.
  2. Filling out the Student Employment Form (V-F​​orm).
  3. Indicate any exception or recommended student along with his/her ID in the comment box.
  4. Send a signed V-form to CASTO.

CASTO will raise the vacancy by following the below procedures:

  1. Receiving the Finance Department’s approval on reserving the allocated budget.
  2. Ann​ounces vacancy on the SEP portal and send the announcement to the students.


CASTO is responsible for finalizing the acceptance process through the following:

  1. Receives the submitted applications.
  2. Screens the applications to make sure that they meet the criteria/eligibility as stated in the policy/V-form.
  3. Sends applications to the departments/units to select the appropriate candidate.
  4. Forwards a confirmation email to the selected candidate along with the Timesheet Form & Liability Form and request for the IBAN details to proceed with payment.

Payment Process

CASTO is responsible for processing the payment of the student through the following:

  1. ​​At the end of every month, the timesheet shall be forwarded to CASTO and signed by the Student, Direct Supervisor, and Budget Owner.
  2. CASTO revises the timesheets along with the approved budget.
  3. CASTO forwards the timesheets to the Finance Department for payment process.    
​Note: Part-timers shall receive his/her payment from the Finance Department.

Interested in hosting SEP students?
Fill in the V-form to request the budget owner's approval and forward it to sep@sharjah.ac.ae.